I know that many are waiting to vote till Tuesday. We do that often, because we like an Election Day, but mainly because we all have so many candidates and info to go through. Especially this time! It’s a bit insane how many of us there are. Which is why I haven’t spent the money I had planned on, knowing how unlikely it’d be that I’d be in the top 2…. Are you wondering why you haven’t seen much about me? Here’s why: . I started late, due to my outrage at the status quo and the assholes on Nextdoor saying “Burn the tents!” and more. I am disgusted and horrified by my own neighbors, fellow citizens who seem to care about certain issues, but ( like our leaders?? ) will NOT look at the whole, Big Picture. .

At this time I have had to assist family elders to an extent that I could not be here as much as I should’ve. We thought we were moving someone out of state after the primary but. This is why I had hoped to make SENIORS my big issue. Our elders matter, and the fact that senior centers have closed, food banks too, and even assisted living spaces like the one in the I.D. that developers want. What the hell, Seattle?? . I have been very upset for a few years at the increasing over-development of parts of Seattle, and elsewhere. This is too much, too fast, with seemingly no attention paid to the Big Picture.

Hmm, I’m sensing a theme…. THE NEEDS OF THE MANY OVER THE NEEDS OF THE FEW. Seriously.

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